Feb 28 (Reuters) - The following were the top stories in The Wall Street Journal On Monday. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for .
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Paul Costello. FOGEY FURNITURE | Unlike maxed-out midcentury modern, serious pieces like this Regency desk in architect Gil Schafer's apartment can be had for a song.
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Nicky Bonne for The Wall Street Journal. The view from Christian Ree's eighth-floor penthouse. . square-meter flat required a change in perspective and, in some cases, furniture.
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Brian Harkin for The Wall Street Journal. Arne Zimmermann and Kathrin Eirich furnished . Moroso, a leading "indoor" furniture maker, based in Udine, Italy, has .
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Gary I Rothstein for The Wall Street Journal. Keith Koenig, left, shows Kathe Foley a set made in China at City Furniture
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